Fresh Graduates

We're absolutely committed to your personal, accelerated success.

One-on-One Coaching

At Aspire Plus, the development of each fresh graduate counts. Hence training sessions on selected topics are interspersed with one on one coaching sessions handled by our HR experts. During these coaching sessions, participants are

  • Guided to achieve their personal developmental targets set based on the training provided
  • Assisted to set both short term and long term professional and personal goals as well as action plans to attain the goals

Participants also have the opportunity to engage in individual mock interviews and to benefit from one-on-one assistance for re-writing their CVs.

Through one-on-one coaching, our experts will hold your hand and help you, on the personal level, to develop and enhance the soft skills and competencies employers require. We will provide real support to enable you set measurable goals and periodically assess progress made towards such goals. Our coaching service is a sure chance for you to transform yourself into a gem in the job market.

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